
Free shipping worldwide | 30-Day free returns - off 20%! Shop Now

Teesage handles returns on a case-by-case basis with the ultimate objective of making our customers happy.

Teesage stands behind our goods and services and wants customers to be satisfied with them!

  1. One-off exchange or return is accepted with the original receipt within 15 days of receiving the package.

2. Items must be presented in new condition with original packaging and must not have been washed.

3. The shipping fees and the related costs of the returned products shall be responsible by customers except for faulty items on arrival.

4. Products will be exchanged or refunded after we examined your returned product(s) with product defects.

5. Please note that the whole return process may take up to 4 weeks.

6. Returns that do not meet our policy will not be accepted and will be sent back to the customer.

To request a Return Authorization


Phone Number:+1 (323) 597 5939

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